Friday, October 31, 2008

Mural Painting

This is our unfinish mural painting.......d person standing infront is wan chin,our group leader!
During v painting this piece of wall, v receive a lot of comments......some said look like kindergarden's wall painting........But I dont agree with that! It's the combination of trendy & animation, it looks cute.......
Today, v received a huge bom!!! Our Head of Art & Design Department ask us to paint the door white !!!
V all felt dissapointed, but v have to follow what she ask us to do......oh man!
If v paint d wall back to white, the painting does not relate and is cut into half! V drawn our draft link to d door and d corner part nicely, also when d door is open it is link to d front of the door! and now v have to cut it into half, I dont agree with it, but things v can do is just follow what she said! Its unfair.......mmm......d good things is v save a lot of colour and time! V can finish our painting week v have a presentation for our mural painting, Im so excited! OH YEAH!!!